Within the Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS*), we ensure transfer of knowledge and sharing experience among science, research, and agricultural practice. Especially we focus on the field of advisory services, education, and other forms of transfer of knowledge and innovation (demonstration farms, European Innovation Partnership etc.) with the aim of simplify the transformation of agriculture, forestry, and food production towards economic, environmental, and social sustainability, increasing productivity and resilience.
We regularly publish more detailed information on the overarching web platform www.agronavigator.cz.
Support for AKIS Coordination Body at the Ministry of Agriculture
Within the national AKIS, we provide professional support for AKIS Coordination Body. This includes monitoring of current status of AKIS in the Czech Republic, collection of data and preparation of evaluation documents and recommendations for increase of efficiency of the transfer of scientific as well as practical knowledge and innovation.
Support of involvement in national and international networks
Thanks to involvement in SCAR AKIS network on the international field (scar-europe.org) and thanks to international projects (modernAKIS and ClimateSmartAdvisors), we participate in sharing information and innovation in the field of knowledge and innovation transfer, contribute to the development and interconnection of the national AKIS actors.
Support for advisors
Within the support of advisors, we ensure accreditation of advisors, regular trainings for permanent increase of advisory network expertise and platform for advisors portalporadce.agronavigator.cz.
Educational events for professional and wider public
As a part of education, we organize seminars, workshops and excursions for teachers at agricultural schools, students and also for professional and wider public. Annually we organize number of conferences, for example the Farmer of the Year conference. This type of events deepens networking and cooperation where knowledge from research is also transferred into practice.
* Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS) is used for marking a system of organization and interaction of persons, organizations and institutions that use and create knowledge and innovation for agriculture, forestry, food, and related fields (EU). https://agronavigator.cz/akis/co-je-akis