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IAEI employees publish, among others, also in departmentally focused professional periodicals and scientific, impact and non-impact journals. Relevant publication and other outputs are regularly submitted to the Register of Information about Results (RIV) (RIV).


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Results of discussions with political, research and social actors on selected impacts of climate change in the LAG Opavsko at the national level of the Czech Republic
Trantinová, M.
Exploring the motivations behind food self-provisioning in the Czech Republic
Pilařová, T., Muench, S., Bavorová, M., Huml, J.
Assessment of the impact of agricultural support on crop diversity
Žáková Kroupová Z, Čechura, L., Opatrný, M., Hloušková, Z., Mlezivová, I.
Apple production and apple value chains in Europe
Altamura, V., Bertazzoli, A-, Bravin, E., Cimer, K., de Belém Costa Freitas, M., Kličková, K., De Ros, G., Dreisiebner-Lanz, S., Duarte, A., Garming, H., Kaçal, E., Kambor, J., Karamürsel, D., Kerngast, K., Kurthy, G., Muder, A., Pınar Öztürk, F. Rosner,
Meal preparation behaviour and obesity: time spent cooking in the Czech Republic
Pilařová, T., Bavorová, M., Vokáčová, L., Gruener, S.
Productivity and efficiency in Czech agriculture: Does farm size matter?
Čechura, L., Žáková Kroupová, Z., Lekešová, M.
Assessing the Economic Viability of Agricultural Holdings with the Inclusion of Opportunity Costs
Hloušková, Z., Lekešová, M., Prajerová, A., Doucha, T.
Retail Chains Under the Food Waste Spotlight: the Case Study Of the Czech Republic
Bošková, I., Kormaňáková, M.
Human Capital in Agriculture. Barriers to Industry 4.0
Karas, J., Skýpalová, R., Tomšík,P.
Policy Instruments to Support Agroecological Transitions in Europe
Gava, O., Francesco Galioto, A., Pražan, J. Schwarz, G., Linares Quero, A., Yoldi Iragui, U., Astrain Massa, C.,Zīlāns, A., Carolus, J.
Who are Advisory Services Leaving Out? A Critical Reflection on ‘Hard to Reach’ Farmers
Labarthe, P., Sutherland, L., Laurent, C., Nguyen, G., Tisenkopfs, T., Triboulet P., Bechtet, N., Bulten, E., Elzen, B., Madureira, L., Noble, Ch., Pražan, J., Townsend, L., Zarokosta, E., Prager, K., Redman, M.
Socio-Technical Scenarios as a Tool to Improve Farm Advisory Services
Leloup, H., Bulten, E., Elzen, B., Pražan, J., Zarokosta, E.
Exploring Sustainability Implications of Transitions to Agroecology: a Transdisciplinary Perspective
Schwarz, G., Vanni, F., Miller, D., Helin, J., Pražan, J., Albanito, F., Fratila, M., Galioto, F., Gava, O., Irvine, K., Landert, J., Linares Quero, A., Mayer, A. Monteleone, D., Muller, A., Röös, E., Smyrniotopoulou, A., Vincent, A., Vlahos, G., Zīlāns,
Factors Influencing the Take-Up of Agricultural Insurance and the Entry into the Mutual Fund: A Case Study of the Czech Republic
Kislingerová, S., Špička, J.
Organic food market in the Czech Republic
Babáčková, J., Hlaváčková, J.
Productivity and Efficiency of Precision Farming: The Case of Czech Cereal Production
Kostlivý, V, Lekešová, M., Čechura, L., Žáková Kroupová, Z.
Development of agricultural risk management measures
Kislingerová, S.
Source for papers
Generational change of managers in agricultural holdings
Šimpachová Pechrová, M., Šimpach, O.
The Soil Organic Matter in Connection with Soil Properties and Soil Inputs
Hruška, M., Voltr, V., Hlisnikovský, L., Menšík, L., Pokorný, E., Pospíšilová, L.